HomeWorldPro-Palestine demonstration held in Madrid

Pro-Palestine demonstration held in Madrid


Popular News

Published September 16,2024


A big group of individuals staged an illustration Sunday in assist of Palestine within the Spanish capital Madrid.

Responding to a name from civil society organizations, the group gathered at Sol Square, waving Palestinian flags and carrying Palestinian scarves. They protested Israel’s killing of over 40,000 folks in Palestine prior to now 11 months.

During the demonstration, sirens blared and plenty of individuals laid on the bottom with their eyes closed to honor the Palestinians killed by Israel.

“I search online every day to stay informed about what’s happening in Palestine. No human being can remain indifferent to this. I’ve been in pain since day one after seeing what’s going on,” one of many individuals, Gonzalo Avila Cruz, informed Anadolu.

“Allowing a genocide in front of the world’s eyes is unbelievable. Over 40,000 people, including more than 11,000 children, have been killed, yet the world debates whether it’s genocide or not. Europe’s inaction disgusts me,” he added.

Another protestor, Angelica Valiero, mentioned: “This is a serious event with global consequences. Allowing a country to try and wipe out a people is nothing short of barbarity. We all feel the same. Whether left or right-wing, governments using Palestine for political purposes is unacceptable. (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin (Netanyahu) is a murderer. He should be stoned by the people.”

Maria Hernandez additionally shared her ideas: “Palestinians are a friendly people, and seeing them face genocide causes me great pain. The international community shouldn’t just focus on its own interests but should support the Palestinian cause.”

Source: www.anews.com.tr

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