HomeHealthWhat causes the flu? | What is good for treating the flu?

What causes the flu? | What is good for treating the flu?


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The flu is a contagious viral an infection brought on by influenza A and B viruses, which generally presents with signs resembling a sudden excessive fever, cough, chills, muscle aches, and a runny nostril. While the flu typically resolves by itself, it may be extra extreme, significantly in infants, people with weakened immune techniques, and the aged. In circumstances the place signs worsen and issues improve, it’s important to promptly search medical recommendation.

What is the Flu?

The flu is a contagious viral an infection brought on by influenza A and B viruses that primarily have an effect on the nostril, throat, and, typically, the lungs. Symptoms of the flu embody a sudden onset of excessive fever, cough, fatigue, and muscle ache. It tends to have a extra extreme impression on infants, individuals with compromised immune techniques, people with power sicknesses, and the aged. The flu is a seasonal illness and is extra generally seen through the winter months, typically reaching epidemic proportions.

What Causes the Flu?

The flu is brought on by influenza viruses, that are primarily transmitted by way of coughing, sneezing, shut contact, kissing, and handshakes, particularly when palms aren’t frequently washed. Transmission is extra widespread in enclosed environments the place an contaminated particular person can launch thousands and thousands of viruses into the air by way of coughing and sneezing. Healthy people can contract the virus by inhaling these particles. Those with out immunity to the influenza virus could grow to be contaminated inside 1-4 days.

What Are the Symptoms of the Flu?

Flu signs usually seem all of a sudden and progress quickly, together with signs like:

♦ Cough

♦ Sore throat

♦ Body, muscle, and joint pains

♦ Fatigue and exhaustion

♦ Sudden fever

♦ Chills and shivering

♦ Runny or stuffy nostril

♦ Headache

♦ Shortness of breath

♦ Sneezing

♦ Chest discomfort and stress

♦ Dizziness

♦ Nausea and vomiting, particularly in youngsters

♦ Loss of urge for food

♦ Skin redness

What Are the Types of Flu?

There are 4 forms of influenza viruses that trigger the flu: Influenza A, B, C, and D. Influenza A and B viruses are answerable for seasonal flu outbreaks, primarily occurring within the winter months. Influenza A viruses are recognized to trigger influenza epidemics. Influenza C virus infections usually trigger gentle ailments and aren’t related to human epidemics. Influenza D viruses primarily have an effect on cattle however aren’t recognized to contaminate people in a manner that causes illness.

What Is Good for Treating the Flu?

Natural strategies and cures that may assist alleviate flu signs embody:


♦ Warm showers

♦ Consuming loads of fluids

♦ Drinking broth, rooster, and leg soups

♦ Eating meals wealthy in vitamin C, resembling oranges, lemons, and tangerines

♦ Using natural teas like echinacea, thyme, linden, and mint-lemon

♦ Gargling with salt water

♦ Using throat lozenges

♦ Drinking ginger or turmeric tea with honey and lemon

♦ Eating garlic, which has antiviral properties

What Is Good for Nasal Congestion During the Flu?

Methods for managing nasal congestion through the flu embody saline nasal rinses, nasal sprays, and staying well-hydrated, as consuming loads of water retains nasal tissues moist.

How Is the Flu Treated?

Treatment for the flu could contain scorching water compresses to alleviate muscle ache, flu drugs, antiviral medication, antipyretics, cough syrups, and nasal sprays. Rest, hydration, and a nutritious food regimen are additionally essential for restoration.

Which Drugs Are Used to Treat the Flu?

Commonly prescribed flu drugs are sometimes from the paracetamol group. The alternative of medicines and antiviral medication is dependent upon the severity of the flu.

What to know About the Flu Vaccine

Flu vaccines are advisable for stopping influenza, brought on by influenza viruses, and must be administered frequently. They are particularly essential for infants, these with power sicknesses, and the aged. It’s advisable to obtain the flu vaccine earlier than the flu season begins, usually through the months of September-October.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Flu

What must you drink through the flu? Chicken soup and scorching ginger tea with honey can assist alleviate signs. Vitamin C can help in restoration. Drinking loads of fluids, particularly water and scorching liquids, can assist soothe the throat and alleviate nasal congestion.

Is honey good for the flu? Honey comprises antioxidants, antibacterial, and antimicrobial properties that may deal with the flu and its signs, offering reduction for a sore or itchy throat.

Source: www.anews.com.tr

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