HomeTurkeyTürkiyes industrial output grows annually at faster pace in September

Türkiyes industrial output grows annually at faster pace in September


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Published November 10,2023


Türkiye‘s industrial output grew yearly at a sooner tempo in September, the nation’s statistical authority revealed on Friday.

Industrial manufacturing surged 4% year-on-year in September, accelerating from a 3.1% hike in August, the Turkish Statistical Institute (TurkStat) information confirmed.

Output posted a pointy enhance for mining and quarrying with 9.1%, for manufacturing with 3.7%, and for electrical energy, fuel, steam, and air-con provide with 4.2%.

On a month-to-month foundation, the output was marginally down by 0.1% in September following a 0.8% decline in August.

The mining and quarrying index rose 1.4% month-on-month in September, whereas manufacturing sector stayed muted.

Electricity, fuel, steam, and air-con provide index, alternatively, dropped 2% in the identical interval.

Source: www.anews.com.tr

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