HomeWorldUS welcomes agreement on construction of Pile road in Northern Cyprus

US welcomes agreement on construction of Pile road in Northern Cyprus


Popular News

Published October 12,2023


The US welcomed news Wednesday that an “understanding was reached” relating to the development of the Yigitler-Pile highway, which can join the Turkish Cypriot village of Pile within the island’s buffer zone with the remainder of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cypress (TRNC).

“We welcome news that an understanding was reached to stabilize the Pyla/Pile plateau in Cyprus,” State Department spokesman Matthew Miller wrote on X.

He stated the US commends the work of the perimeters and the UN Cyprus mission and urges “next steps to build confidence.”

“We remain supportive of the designation of a UN Envoy to help resume negotiations,” he added.

The TRNC Foreign Ministry) stated Monday that an settlement between the TRNC and the UN Peacekeeping Force was reached relating to the development of the Yigitler-Pile highway.

UN peacekeepers intervened Aug. 18 within the development of the highway.

Turkish residents within the village stated development is strategically essential as it’ll give them extra choices to achieve Pile, the place Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots dwell collectively.

The Greek Cypriot administration, nonetheless, is against the challenge.

Türkiye additionally welcomed the settlement.

Source: www.anews.com.tr

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